Love Like Chocolate Cover Reveal

Love Like Chocolate Cover Reveal

I’m so excited to share with you the cover for LOVE LIKE CHOCOLATE, my debut picture book. Alina Chau’s gorgeous watercolor art perfectly captures the sweetness of this book. Watching Alina bring my words to life was one of the very coolest things I’ve got to experience as an author.

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It gives me such pleasure to share that I have sold another book! Hooray! I’m heading back to my young adult roots with a thriller about a sleepover that goes HORRIBLY wrong. In PERFECT GIRL, my main character, Jessa, is the perfect girl next door. Only she’s starting to feel like her “perfect” reputation has become more of a cage than a choice.

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Come hang with me!

Come hang with me!

GRACE AND FURY has been in bookstores for a week now, and I still can’t believe it! What a thrill to see my fierce sisters staring out at me from the shelves! Family members and friends have been sending me pics of my girls in the wild all week and it’s the most incredible thing!

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The Latest + Upcoming Events

It’s hard to believe GRACE AND FURY comes out in the US on July 31st, even harder to wrap my head around the fact that the German edition is already on shelves! And the Italian edition is coming on May 29th! I don’t know if it’s common or not for foreign editions of books to publish before the US version, but it’s been a thrill to see the response from German readers.

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Welcome to my new website!
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Welcome to my new website!

Hello my friends! In honor of GRACE AND FURY’s cover reveal (if you missed it, here’s the link to the reveal and Q&A), I decided to do a little revamping of my own. Huge, huge thanks to the incredible Hafsah at Icey Designs for creating this beautiful new web design, making it sparkle (literally!), and helping my web-challenged brain figure out how to actually USE the darn thing.

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