Love Like Chocolate Cover Reveal


I'm so excited to share with you the cover for LOVE LIKE CHOCOLATE, my debut picture book. Alina Chau's gorgeous watercolor art perfectly captures the sweetness of this book. Watching Alina bring my words to life was one of the very coolest things I've got to experience as an author. I loved watching the progression from sketch to final image, and I love all the beautiful, rich colors and delicious treats she filled the book with. But most of all, I love the family Alina creates in the story, so close to my own family. This book is deeply personal to me, but also a story I hope you will enjoy, filled with love...and chocolate! Without further ado, please enjoy the cover of LOVE LIKE CHOCOLATE. Oh, and if you like what you see, please click on one of the links below to pre-order!

Pre-orders are very important to a book's success -- they show the publisher there's demand for a book and help them decide how many copies to print. If you'd like a signed copy, please order from One More Page Books, my local indie. More info on events and preorder goodies to come. Please save your receipts!Barnes and NobleOne More Page BooksAmazonYou can also add it to your shelf on Goodreads!Okay, here it is. For real. ;-)***************Isn't it so adorable??And the children look just like my babies. I love it so much.

Here's the official copy for the book:Our family loves chocolate.We make superchewy chocolate chip cookies in the spring,very-berry chocolate-cherry mousse in the summer,chocolate banana pancakes in the fall,and warm chocolate sauce in the winter.I hope my new sister will love it, too.A young boy welcomes his adopted sister by teaching her all their family’s traditions in this sweetly delicious story about love and chocolate.


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