Rebel Wing Kickstarter

I'm super excited to announce that for Rebel Wing's 10th Anniversary, it's getting a SERIOUS glow up...and a new publisher! Recently, I was able to get the rights back for the Rebel Wing series, and will be re-releasing the entire trilogy with Snowy Wings Publishing, a wonderful indie co-op. And to celebrate, I'm running a Kickstarter to fund a super fancy special edition! (My goal is to offer gorgeous special editions for all three books, through Kickstarter only! Standard editions, in both paperback and hardcover, will be available through regular retailers.)

First, here's a sneak peek at Rebel Wing's gorgeous new cover, courtesy of Regina Wamba (who, fun fact, did the original indie cover, back when it was called Shattered Veil!) Boy, this little book baby has come a long way!

The Kickstarter for the special edition will launch in June, but in the meantime, you can check out its landing page and click "Notify me" to get an email when the campaign goes live. You'll also get a little taste of the incredible character art created by Victoria Alessandri.

Last but not least, here's a little sneak peek of what I'll be offering through the Kickstarter...a gorgeous special edition hardcover with foil on the dust jacket, sprayed edges, a fancy silver ribbon, reversible dust jacket, and lots of fun stretch goals if we fund!

Be sure to click on the banner above to check out the Kickstarter page, and hit notify to receive an email when it goes live! I'm SO excited to share these books with you again, and in hard copy! It's truly a dream come true. Please stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the campaign going live.

More updates!

I have another book coming out! PERFECT GIRL is coming out November 19th from Fiewel & Friends, and is already up for preorder and request on NetGalley! Here's a quick description of this book -- very different from Rebel Wing and the Grace and Fury series!


Jessa has been raised to be the “perfect girl.” She is unfailingly polite, never rocks the boat, and always follows the rules―no matter what. Her friends love to give her a hard time for being such a goody two-shoes, but Jessa likes it this way. She knows what's expected of her, and she's happy to be the person her parents (and society) want.

When a freak storm takes out the power during a sleepover at Jessa’s creepy, old house, things go south before the pizza gets cold. Her friends are at each other’s throats, unexpected guests keep showing up (some more welcome than others), and it’s not just her brother serving up jump scares. A killer looking for the perfect girl has targeted Jessa, and she’ll have to reject everything she’s been taught if she wants to keep herself―and her friends―alive until sunrise.

Who knew perfection could be so dangerous?

Funny story -- Perfect Girl actually takes place in my childhood home! The story itself was inspired by my teenage slumber parties and the bank robber who once hid out in my basement...more on that later! ;-)

You can preorder your copy from your retailer of choice through this landing page or add to your Goodreads shelf! More soon about this project as well!


And last but not least, LOVE LIKE CHOCOLATE has made its way into the world! I'm incredibly proud of this book, and so happy it exists. My kids, who inspired the book, feel like absolute rockstars having their own picture book, and I feel like a rockstar seeing how proud they are. It's a really special story, and I hope you'll check it out. Signed copies are available through One More Page Books.

Happy reading!


Love Like Chocolate Cover Reveal