The Latest + Upcoming Events

It's hard to believe GRACE AND FURY comes out in the US on July 31st, even harder to wrap my head around the fact that the German edition is already on shelves! And the Italian edition is coming on May 29th! I don't know if it's common or not for foreign editions of books to publish before the US version, but it's been a thrill to see the response from German readers. I'm so grateful to all of you for picking IRON FLOWERS up and for reviewing on Goodreads and Amazon!We're now just about two months from the US release and I have a lot of fun things coming up! If you haven't signed up for my newsletter, now's a good time! In the next few weeks I'll be sharing some preorder incentives and super cool swag, and my newsletter subscribers will be the first to know all about it.This summer I am honored to join Dhonielle Clayton and Zoraida Cordova for their Belles and Brujas tour! I'll be joining them in St Louis, MO on Thursday, June 21 at 7pm. Read more about our specific event HERE and about the tour in general HERE. I hope if you live nearby you'll come out and see us! Copies of GRACE AND FURY won't be available yet, but I'll be handing out some super fun swag and Dhonielle and Zoraida will be signing their books (which are incredible. If you haven't yet, YOU SHOULD READ THEM.)Another event to keep on your radar: The GRACE AND FURY launch party will be held at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, NC on Saturday August 4th at 2pm. Please come join the party! Click HERE for more info and to preorder a copy!As a reminder, GRACE AND FURY is now available for preorder! Here are some handy links!IndieBoundBarnes & NobleAmazonThere's also an ARC giveaway going on on Goodreads. Click HERE to enter!For those getting impatient to start reading, you can find the first chapter on Hypable HERE, and the second chapter on HerCampus HERE.I am so, so excited to share this book with you. Stay tuned for more updates!


GRACE AND FURY Preorder Campaign


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