Today's the day!

A SEASON OF SINISTER DREAMS is out in the world! This book was a labor of love, written over many years. It was inspired by my dog Scrabble, who I'm very very sad to say passed away on June 10, at 14.5 years old. He's been my constant companion for all of that time, and it's very weird not to have him asleep on his bed next to me as I type this. But I feel joy, knowing we got so much time together, and it's a really special feeling to open this book and see his picture -- I did a special author photoshoot so he could be in the book. At the time, I felt a little silly, but now I'm really happy I did that. Here are a few of the outtakes, plus the one that made it into the book: At any rate, A Season of Sinister Dreams is, in part, about grief and how we deal with it, how we find hope in the face of it, and how we move forward, so it's strangely fitting that I'm going through that process myself right now.It's also a book with a fun, chaotic, morally gray character, a cinnamon roll pair of best friends, and a dead prince. As my very good friend Intisar put it, "If you love flawed characters, uncontrollable magic, fierce heroines, unexpected twists, and a good dash of both romance and tragedy, this is the book for you."You can now purchase it wherever books are sold, in person and online. (Click here for more info, a playlist, and purchase links.) And speaking of Intisar, she'll be joining me tonight for a virtual launch to celebrate A Season of Sinister Dreams AND her recent release, The Theft of Sunlight, a gorgeous fantasy with its own fascinating cast of characters and lush world. I read this book months ago and am still thinking (obsessing) about it. We would love for you to join us for a fun chat about morally gray characters, our very scientific (ahem) approaches to world building, and other stuff! There will be a chance to win a $25 gift card to One More Page Books, my fantastic local indie (that ships worldwide!). Click here to register!As always, thank you so much for reading and supporting me on my author journey. I couldn't do this without you. <3 I hope you enjoy A Season of Sinister Dreams!Happy reading!


New Book!
