New year, new book, new giveaway!

Happy New Year!!

Now that it's officially (FINALLY) 2021, it's time to tell you more about A SEASON OF SINISTER DREAMS, my new YA fantasy, releasing June 22, 2021! And, of course, there's a giveaway. ;-)A SEASON OF SINISTER DREAMS is a dark and mysterious fantasy about two girls - one a reluctant prophet, the other a vengeful imposter - who are trying to save their kingdom, leaving death and destruction in their wake.Evra, my sweet, innocent cinnamon roll, knows her sudden, terrifying visions mean she'll have to leave her family and her home to protect a king she hates.And Annalise, who's full of messy, chaotic energy, is holding onto her magic - and her sanity - by a thread. She has secrets she'll kill to protect, and she knows it's only a matter of time until Evra discovers them.Also, there's a wolf and a dead prince.Fun times ahead!! :)Here's a sneak peek at one of the pieces of character I'll be featuring in A SEASON OF SINISTER DREAMS' preorder campaign - more to come on that soon! Isn't this interpretation of Evra and Annalise by the artist Avendell gorgeous?! There's a little secret hidden in the art as well. Hit the comments if you can spot it. ;-)In the meantime, please go and add Evra and Annalise to your Goodreads TBR, and if you're REALLY impatient, I would love for you to head to Edelweiss and request an E-ARC to read and review early!Early buzz can make such a huge difference in spreading the word and getting books into the hands of readers. Please consider pre-ordering (save your receipt!), requesting and reviewing, requesting from your library, adding on Goodreads, etc. Tell your friends! I'm so excited to share A SEASON OF SINISTER DREAMS with you...I hope you'll love it as much as I do!AND TO THE GIVEAWAY!I'm giving away a signed ARC of A SEASON OF SINISTER DREAMS!! This is a US-only giveaway. Please enter below!a Rafflecopter giveawayHere's to a healthy, happy, not-as-much-of-dumpster-fire year! Come on, 2021!Happy reading,Tracy




New Book!!